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 1 venue    10 chapters   100 revelations 

3 May – 14 July 2023

Get caught up in art in motion!


Arranged over 10 weeks like 10 chapters, Moviment turns traditional representations of art on their heads. Works from the collection will be on display and gatherings, screenings, workshops, shows and performances will take place side by side, one after another, in one constantly changing space.

It is the essence of the Centre Pompidou’s ideals since it opened in 1977: to assemble all the different ways of encountering creativity, understanding it, participating in it; to be a monument in motion, a "moviment".


 Exhibitions I Performances I Workshops I Meetings I Screenings 

 Gallery 3, Centre Pompidou

 Free access

 – except shows on reservation


Wed 3 – Sun 7 May

Chapter 1:

Red thread

Wed 10 – Sun 14 May

Wed 17 – Sun 21 May

Chapter 3: 

In the spotlight

Wed 24 – Sun 28 May

Chapter 4:


Thu 1st – Sun 4 June

Chapter 5:

Here and elsewhere

Thu 8 – Sun 11 June

Chapter 6:


Wed 14 – Sun 18 June

Chapter 7:

Of gesture and time

Thu 29 June – Sun 2 July

Chapter 8:

To the max

Sat 8 – Sun 9 July

Chapter 9:

Beyond matter

Wed 12 – Fri 14 July

Chapter 10:

The grand finale!


Rosa Barba

 Cinema, Visual arts 

Aristide Barraud


Jean-Louis Boissier

 New media 

Carolyn Carlson


Cave Bureau


Emanuele Coccia


Lou Doillon


Chayma Drira


Julien Dumas


Alain Fleischer


Michel Frizot


Dani Gal

 Visual arts 

Gerard & Kelly

 Dance, Visual arts 

Amos Gitai


Todd Haynes


Collectif Ictus


Andrés Jaque


Hella Jongerius


Camille Juthier

 Visual arts 

Sébastien Kheroufi


Takesada Matsutani

 Visual arts 

Alexandre Michaan

 New media 

Valérie Mréjen

 Litterature, Cinema 

Maurizio Nannucci

 Visual arts 

Hans Ulrich Obrist

 Visual arts 

Qudus Onikeku


Philippe Parreno

 Visual arts 

Charlotte Pouch

 Documentary cinema 

Ula Sickle


Katerina Thomadaki

 New media 

Sarah Vermande


Jeanne Vicerial

 Textile design 

A Centre Pompidou event programmed with the public library BPI and IRCAM

In media partnership with

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