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Priority access

2 Rue Beaubourg

This access avoids Place Georges Pompidou which is not suitable, and takes you directly to the Mezzanine level (level 1).

Upon presentation of supporting documents*



Rambuteau Picto métro ligne 11 (line 11)

Hôtel de Ville Picto Métro ligne 1 Picto Métro ligne 11 (lines 1 and 11)
Châtelet Picto Métro ligne 1 Picto Métro ligne 4 Picto Métro ligne 7 Picto Métro ligne 11 Picto Métro ligne 14 (lines 1, 4, 7, 11 and 14)
Châtelet Les Halles Picto RER ligne A Picto RER ligne B (lines A, B, and D)


Picto Bus ligne 29 Picto Bus ligne 38 Picto Bus ligne 47 Picto Bus ligne 75 (lines 29, 38, 47 and 75)


Reserved parking spaces nearby:
We invite you to consult the map provided by the Paris City Hall.


Info transport:

For all information concerning accessibility in public transport, you can go to Île-de-France Mobilités


To prepare your visit inside the Centre Pompidou:

consult the interactive plan

Dedicated services

For people with reduced mobility:

Wheelchairs are freely available at the group reception desk, level 0 – accessible by lift.

Loans are made in exchange for ID.

For the hard of hearing:  

The Centre Pompidou is equipped with audio induction loops. 

For impraired people: 

Guide dogs are allowed inside the Centre Pompidou.

Our podcasts are accompanied by a transcription that can be downloaded free of charge below the player. 
To be consulted at your convenience: 

Color accessibility program


Are you color blind or know someone who is? Come and (re)discover the colours of our artworks by trying the EnChroma glasses.

Borrow a pair of glasses, free of charge, from the cloakroom, and benefit from a better perception of colours, details and depth throughout your visit of the Centre Pompidou.

More infos

Offers for individual visitors

Access to the exhibitions is free for visitors with disabilities and their companions.
Adapted guided tours are also free for the visitor and his/her companion.


Tailor-made tours are staged in the various areas every month (except the summer holidays) for visitors to see the temporary exhibitions or discover the building, accompanied by a lecturer trained in the appropriate oral mediation.

"See and hear" visits (audio description)

for blind or partially-sighted visitors

Through comments and detailed descriptions, the lecture enables visitors to get a picture of works in the exhibitions, shedding light on their creators’ approach.

One Saturday per month at 10 am, or one Monday per month at 6 pm, depending on the month

Tours in french sign language and international signs

for deaf visitors

The lecturer, deaf himself, talks in sign language, providing a visual/gestural discovery of the history of art, its movements, and its artists through the temporary exhibitions.

Several slots per month

Lip-reading tours

for the hard of hearing

rained in techniques for communicating with the hard of hearing, the lecturer takes these visitors on a discovery of an exhibition. Hearing aids equipped with induction loop collars or earphones are available.
One Saturday each month at 11 a.m.


Upon presentation of supporting documents*:

  • Unaccompanied tour: Free for visitors and their assistants (direct access without going to the ticket office)
  • Tailor-made tour: Free for visitors and their assistants
  • Films and shows: reduced rates


  • Tours for blind or partially-sighted visitors:
    Reservations should be made at least one week before the tour date required by email
  • Tours for the deaf or hard of hearing:
    Reservations should be made at least three days beforehand by text message only: 06 17 48 45 50 or by email


To find out the dates of these tours:

see the activity calendar

Offer for group visits

Visits especially adapted to groups are free. 
We suggest you to book as soon as possible so we can prepare your tour. 

You are a professional or volunteer working in the social sector?

You are entitled to preferential rates.


  • If you are already identified as an accessibility mediator with the Centre Pompidou, you can benefit from preferential rates for group visits and for the Pop' Solo 1-year membership card (€27 instead of €49), providing unlimited access to the exhibitions and allowing you to participate in collaborative projects and member events (membership at the mediator rate is available only from the on-site Membership space or by telephone at 01 44 78 14 63, Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 6 pm). 
  • If you are not yet identified as an accessibility mediator and you wish to organise a group visit for disabled people, please contact us by email

Guided tours in the exhibitions

The Centre Pompidou organises visits especially adapted to groups with disabilities, coordinated by specialised lecturers.



  • Unaccompanied tours: Free
  • Tours with a specialised lecturer: Free


At least one month ago for tours with lecturer, and at least two weeks ago for unaccompanied tours.

  • by phone: Tel: +33 (0)1 44 78 12 57, Mondays to Fridays 9 am to 6 pm
  • online
  • for visitors who are deaf or hard of hearing: by email or by phone, text message only: +33 (0)6 17 48 45 50

*Supporting documents include:

  • MDPH disability card
  • COTOREP unlimited disability card
  • Disability card issued by the Office National des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre
  • MDPH priority card
  • EU disability card


Podcast Les Surfaces sonores - logo

Sound Surfaces

Created by and for blind and sighted people, this inclusive podcast invites you to discover the Centre Pompidou and its masterpieces through your listening and your imagination.

Listen and/or read it here