En 2025, le Centre Pompidou entame sa métamorphose !
En prévision de la rénovation de son emblématique bâtiment, les salles de spectacle et de conférences sont les premiers espaces à fermer leurs portes.
- sur cette page, le programme des événements qui ont lieu au Centre Pompidou jusqu'en septembre 2025 ;
- et dans la rubrique Hors les murs, les premiers rendez-vous organisés chez nos partenaires, dès janvier 2025.
Préfiguration du riche programme Constellation par lequel le Centre Pompidou reste plus vivant que jamais et au plus près de vous en essaimant dans des centaines de lieux partenaires en France et à l'international, de 2025 à 2030.

Frederick Wiseman, our humanities
Chapter 2
Saturday 25 January at 4pm: Belfast, Maine (1999)
Sunday 26 January at 2pm: Near Death (1999)
as part of the 2nd part of his Paris retrospective (8 January-19 March 2025)
La cinémathèque du documentaire
Cinéma 1
The complete retrospective of Frederick Wiseman's work continues, this time all over Paris: twenty films to be discovered at the Forum des images or the Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, as well as special screenings in other partner venues. Exceptionally, two screenings will be held at the Centre Pompidou.
Frederick Wiseman (born in 1930 in Boston, USA) started writing human-centred comedies in 1967, with a predilection for sites and behind-the-scenes material where ordinary lives are lived out. His works emerge from an immense curiosity, admirable obstinacy and empathetic humanism combined with an outsider’s perspective and biting irony. They do not aim to claim expertise in social science or present us with a carbon copy of reality but, on the contrary, their objective is to transpose reality into theatricality, fiction and the quixotic, with characters often caught in performative situations and dimensions.
This unique fresco is composed of 46 films to date, including 33 that have been recently restored, for a total of over 115 hours. The second part of this retrospective confirms that our humanities are a receptacle for the diversity of experiences and situations, combined with a moral principle: the demand for equality.

@ Christine Lipinska, Courtesy Annouchka de Andrade et Henda Ducados
Sarah Maldoror
3 – 7 April 2025
Screenings | Lectures | Encounters
in the presence of artists and witnesses
In the spirit of one of her landmark works, Et les chiens se taisaient—excerpts from Aimé Césaire’s eponymous play, staged in the storage rooms of the Musée de l’Homme in 1978—the life and career of Sarah Maldoror (1929–2020) reflect the major struggles of the 20th century: Surrealism, Négritude, Pan-Africanism, feminism, and communism.
As a companion to the exhibition Paris Noir, which explores the presence and influence of Black artists in France from the 1950s to the 2000s, the public is invited to hear the voice of this filmmaker in the present tense.
In the Museum
The works belonging to the museum's collection can be consulted:
- on a rotational basis in the museum's rooms;
- in the "Museum Cinema" projection room on level 4.
Thanks to a regularly renewed themed programme, the space for "Collections of film, video, sound and digital works" on level 4 of the Museum also highlights a selection of works and documents from the Museum collection. Recent acquisitions, critical interpretations and current events invite us to renew our perception of the analog and digital cultures of image and sound.
Dans le cadre du programme Constellation
- La rétrospective intégrale de l’œuvre de Frederick Wiseman se poursuit dans tout Paris, du 8 janvier au 19 mars 2025. 20 films à découvrir au Forum des images ou au Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, ainsi que des séances spéciales dans d'autres lieux partenaires.
- Rendez-vous à l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art (Inha) pour suivre les cycles Vidéo et après et Film 2025, projections et rencontres autour des collections Cinéma et Nouveaux médias du Musée.
- La 47e édition du festival Cinéma du réel, du 22 au 29 mars 2025, investit les salles du quartier latin à Paris : l'Arlequin, le Christine Cinéma Club, le Reflet Médicis, le Saint-André des Arts et le Théâtre de l’Alliance française.
Consultez la rubrique Hors les murs pour vous tenir informé·e des événements à venir.