Access to public archives
The memory of the Centre Pompidou, the Archives are responsible for the collection, selection, classification and conservation of the documents produced by its various departments in the course of their work, and for enabling access to them. Covering the period from 1969 to the present, these holdings are public archives (unlike the archival holdings managed by the Kandinsky library, which are private archives).
Consultation of documents
Conditions of access to public archives as laid down in Book 2 of the French Code du Patrimoine (Chapter 3, Articles L. 213-1to L. 213-8).
Law No. 2008-696 of 15 July 2008 introduced the principle of the free accessibility of public archives, but certain documents containing confidential material may be withheld for periods of between 25 and 100 years, depending on the nature of the interest to be protected.
The collection of miscellaneous documentary material available for consultation is relating to:
- Activity reports (1973 - present)
- Budgets and budgetary amendments (1973 - present)
- In-house newspaper (1993 - present)
- Flash-info (internal information bulletin) (1987 - present)
- Photographs: construction of the Centre Pompidou, events, people
- Press relations documents:
- Press reviews (1971 - present)
- Press releases (1976 - present)
Collections and programming:
- Exhibition catalogues (1975 - present)
- Event programmes (1977 - present)
- Materials for the public: guides, programmes, leaflets
- Posters
Journals and scholarship:
- Traverses (CCI) (1975-1994)
- Cahiers du CCI (1986-1989)
- Bulletin mensuel d'information du CCI (1975-1985)
- Cnac Magazine (1981-1996)
- Les Cahiers du Musée (1979 - present)
- Le Cinéma (1980-1997)
- Culture au quotidien (CCI) (1978-1985);
- Books on CNAC-GP
- Theses on CNAC-GP (master’s, PhD)
- Interns’ reports
Some of the archive descriptions are available online in the form of finding aids and/or descriptive sheets.