Hanging for 20 years of the Prix Marcel Duchamp
19 Oct 2020 - 15 Mar 2021

The event is over

Created in 2000 on the initiative of the Association for the International Dissemination of French Art (Adiaf), the Prix Marcel Duchamp is celebrating its twentieth anniversary.

On the occasion of this anniversary, nineteen works by winners of the Prize are presented on level 4 of the contemporary collections, accompanying the exhibition of the four shortlisted artists for the 2020 edition in Galerie 3. Coming essentially from the collections of the Musée National d'Art Moderne, the works are shown in the course of the visit. In some cases, they strike historical echoes, as in the case of Julien Prévieux or Mathieu Mercier dialoguing with Marcel Broodthaers, and in other cases form autonomous paradigms, like Tatiana Trouvé and Cyprien Gaillard. Attesting to the diversity of the French artistic scene, this retrospective of the Prix Marcel Duchamp also presents the basis for a history of art in the making.
11am - 8pm, every days except tuesdays