Exhibition / Museum
/ Allemagne / Années 1920 / Nouvelle Objectivité / August Sander /
11 May - 5 Sep 2022

The event is over

Otto Dix, « Bildnis der Tänzerin Anita Berber » [Portrait de la danseuse Anita Berber], 1925 (détail). © Sammlung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart. Photo : Frank Kleinbac
This exhibition on the art and culture of the Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) in Germany is the first overview presented in France of this artistic trend. Apart from painting and photography, the project brings together architecture, design, film, theatre, literature and music.

Otto Dix, « Bildnis der Tänzerin Anita Berber » [Portrait de la danseuse Anita Berber], 1925 (détail). © Sammlung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart. Photo : Frank Kleinbac
People of the 20th century, the masterwork by photographer August Sander, establishes the motif of a cross-section of a society, an "exhibition in the exhibition", as a structural principle, the two interlinked perspectives opening up a large panorama of German art in the late 1920s.
This multidisciplinary exhibition is structured into eight thematic sections corresponding to the groups and sociocultural categories created by August Sander.
A review of German history in the context of contemporary Europe with populist movements and divergent societies in the throes of the digital revolution invites us to observe the political resonances and media analogies between yesterday's situations and those of today.
11am - 9pm, every mondays, wednesdays, fridays, saturdays, sundays
11am - 11pm, every thursdays
Booking strongly recommended
Mécène principal
En partenariat média avec
Exposition réalisée en collaboration avec le Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Danemark