Exhibition / Museum
Recent acquisitions by the Cabinet d'Art Graphique
de Schwitters à Toguo, un choix
25 Oct 2006 - 8 Jan 2007

The event is over

Vassily Kandinsky, « Sans titre», 1915
© Centre Pompidou - Adagp, Paris 2006

Vassily Kandinsky, « Sans titre», 1915
© Centre Pompidou - Adagp, Paris 2006
Presenting more than 70 works by around 50 artists. Prominent historical drawings that were given (Picasso, Gris) or donated (a set from the Société Kandinsky), three Kandinsky watercolours from the Kojève collection, and drawings from the Breton collection. And, alongside prominent turn-of-last-century and post-war artists (Gorky, Matta, Morris, Hockney and others) you will find young artists worth seeing.
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25 Oct 2006 - 8 Jan 2007
11am - 9pm, every days except tuesdays
11am - 9pm, every days except tuesdays
Musée - Niveau 4 - Galerie d'art graphique