Débat / Rencontre
Mathematics and Computation in Music Conference
(MCM 2011) & Related Events
15 juin 2011

L'événement est terminé
La troisième conférence internationale «Mathematics and Computation in Music » (MCM 2011) constitue une plateforme multidisciplinaire dédiée à la communication et aux échanges d'idées entre les acteurs impliqués dans l'application des mathématiques aux arts, à l'informatique musicale, la théorie de la musique, la composition, la musicologie.
Wednesday June 15 8.30am-9.30am: (Centre Pompidou) – Welcome and Registration of the Participants 9.30am-11.15am: (Centre Pompidou, Petite salle) – Welcome by Hugues Vinet (IRCAM Scientific Director) / Paper Session 1: Word and Scale Theory I Karst De Jong, Thomas Noll – Fundamental Passacaglia: Harmonic Functions and the Modes of the Musical Tetractys Norman Carey – On a Class of Locally Symmetric Sequences: The Right Infinite Word Lq David Clampitt – Sensitive Interval Property for Scales as Words in the Free Group F2 11.30am-1.00pm : (Centre Pompidou, petite salle) – Paper Session 2: Word and Scale Theory II Marek Zabka – Introduction to Scale Theory over Words in Two Dimensions Julian Hook – Spelled Heptachords David Meredith – Tonal Scales and Minimal Simple Pitch Class Cycles 1.15pm -2.15pm : (IRCAM, Salle Stravinsky) – Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Mathematics and Music 2.30pm -3.30pm : (Centre Pompidou, Petite salle) – Paper Session 3: History, Philosophy and Epistemology Tito M. Tonietti – Music Between Hearing and Counting (A Historical Case Chosen Within Continuous Long-lasting Conflicts) Dmitri Tymoczko – Mazzola’s Model of Fuxian Counterpoint 4.00pm -5.30pm : (Centre Pompidou, Petite salle) – Panel Session “Bridging the Gap: Computational and Mathematical Approaches in Music Research”. With the participation of Alan Marsden, Guerino Mazzola, Geraint Wiggins. Organizers: Anja Volk and Aline Honingh.* 6.30pm -7.30pm : (IRCAM, Espace de projection) - Welcome by Frank Madlener (IRCAM Director).Pierre Boulez / Alain Connes: La créativité en musique et en mathématiques (encounter led by Gérard Assayag, director of the IRCAM/CNRS Lab). Simultaneous translation French/English. Free Entry, limited seating available. 8.30pm : (IRCAM, Espace de projection) - “Math/Music Concert”, ensemble Musikfabrik. Works by Daniele Ghisi (abroad, World Premiere), Karim Haddad (Ce qui dort dans l’ombre sacrée…), György Ligeti (Monument. Selbstportrait. Bewegung), Karlheinz Stockhausen (Kontakte).
9h30 - 20h30