Debate / Meeting
Cartographies contemporaines
18 Sep 2020 - 16 Dec 2024

The event is over
Planetarium, mapping places for thought and creation.
The climate emergency, new international balances of power, increasing migrant flows and the digital transition… the four major transformations of our time share one common feature, namely that they drastically disrupt the space in which human lives and actions are played out. From one news story to the next, the planet is shown to be finite and sensitive to our activities, geopolitical action modifies world history and migrants continue their journeys or are blocked at frontiers, in a world where technology reinforces instantaneous connections every day. While the promise of globalisation twenty years ago was one of unlimited growth, a unified world and a space without frontiers, this vision has given way to a more complex and conflictual geography.
In a world where all our references have been shattered, can art and contemporary thinking help us find our bearings? To help construct an alternative vision of the world, the Planetarium cycle proposes to articulate two series of investigations: on the one hand, a panorama of technical (from mapping to geolocation) and conceptual instruments (what becomes of the local-global distinction? What do we now call a frontier?); on the other hand, an inventory of attachments, the geographical coordinates on which thought and creation depend.
The Planetarium sessions welcome guests from the worlds of science, humanities and art, and invite them to focus on a place by beginning their talk with by naming and describing a real or fictitious place where, in their view, certain issues of our time are concentrated, thus building up, from one session to the next, a fragmented map of successively explored sites. Each guest is accompanied by an artist tasked with sketching out the atlas of these places of thought.
The concept of the "planetarium" has been borrowed from the world of astronomy and inverted: rather than showing how the Earth is a planet gravitating among others, the idea here is to explore the multiplicity and heterogeneity of the worlds that make up our planet and the diversity of tools available to guide us.
In partnership with the Mao Jihong Arts Foundation
From 7pm
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© Frédérique Aït-Touati, Alexandra Arènes, Axelle Grégoire, Terra Forma : Manuel de cartographies potentielles (Editions B42, 2019)