Endlessly drawing
18 Oct 2023 - 15 Jan 2024

The event is over

Pablo Picasso, « Portrait de Françoise », 20 mai 1946 (détail) Musée national Picasso-Paris. Dation Pablo Picasso, 1979. MP1351 © Succession Picasso 2023, photo © Dist. Rmn-Gp
In honour of the fiftieth anniversary of Pablo Picasso's passing, the exhibition "Picasso. Dessiner à l'infini" (Picasso. Drawing to Infinity), organised by the Centre Pompidou in collaboration with the Musée National Picasso-Paris, will shine a spotlight on the most prolific part of his creation, presenting nearly a thousand works (notebooks, drawings and engravings).

Pablo Picasso, « Portrait de Françoise », 20 mai 1946 (détail) Musée national Picasso-Paris. Dation Pablo Picasso, 1979. MP1351 © Succession Picasso 2023, photo © Dist. Rmn-Gp
From his youthful studies to his final works, for Picasso, drawing was a place of constantly renewed invention. This journey through the graphic work, a sort of compulsively kept private diary, the notebooks being the most precious examples, immerses us in the heart of the artist's work. The non-linear visit overturns the strict chronological order, enabling resonances to be established between different periods and contrasting well-known masterpieces with drawings presented for the first time. Plunging visitors into the maelstrom of Picasso's creative processes, "Picasso. Dessiner à l'infini" (Picasso. Drawing to Infinity) is the greatest retrospective ever organised of the artist's drawings and engravings.
At the same time, the musée national Picasso-Paris presents the Sophie Calle exhibition entitled "À toi de faire, ma mignonne" (Your Turn, Darling), act 2 of the Celebration that explores the idea of disappearance, which is central to the artist's work.
11am - 9pm, every mondays, wednesdays, fridays, saturdays, sundays
11am - 11pm, every thursdays
Closed on Tuesday
Booking strongly recommended
L’exposition est organisée en collaboration avec le Musée national Picasso-Paris
Sous le haut patronage de Monsieur Emmanuel MACRON, Président de la République
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