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Sorour Darabi


28 Oct 2020

The event is over

Savušun is a solo created in 2018. It is an ode to vulnerability, affection, and affected beings. Like a fairy story, the solo draws inspiration from commemorative Shiite rituals in Iran: Tazi and ceremonial sineh-zani (chest-beating). In this collective story, the artist weaves a more intimate tale, probing the representation of complex, paradoxical emotions. Pain, fear and suffering experienced by minority bodies are transformed via recourse to play, fun, adroitness and hybrid gestures mid-way between grotesque and grace. Touching on loss that’s partly real, partly symbolic, Savušun taps into the dual notions of comfort and discomfort, gentleness and cruelty, toxic masculinity and vulnerable identity. Trouble subsists.


28 oct. 2020

À partir de 20h

Evénement reporté


Grande salle, level –1