Macchina Inutile (Machine inutile)

Macchina Inutile
(Machine inutile)
"I am often known as the man of useless machines." (Munari)
The Macchina Inutile (Useless Machines) are assemblages of various light materials that structure the space according to a harmonious and mathematical relationship. The mobiles take on a life of their own as the atmosphere around them changes, fluctuating with random movements and creating effects with light and shadow. ln the mid-1950s, Bruno Munari used the concept of serial production in the field of industrial design to make objects with an aesthetic function. Still active in the Movimento Arte Concreta, he began to develop an interest in programmed art.
Domain | Sculpture | Mobile |
Techniques | Métal, plexiglas, bois, nylon |
Dimensions | 87 x 30 x 30 cm |
Acquisition | Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'Art Moderne, 2016 |
Inventory no. | AM 2016-546 |
Detailed description
Artist |
Bruno Munari
(1907, Italie - 1998, Italie) |
Main title | Macchina Inutile (Machine inutile) |
Creation date | 1949 |
Domain | Sculpture | Mobile |
Techniques | Métal, plexiglas, bois, nylon |
Dimensions | 87 x 30 x 30 cm |
Printing | Pièce unique |
Acquisition | Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'Art Moderne, 2016 |
Collection area | Arts Plastiques - Moderne |
Inventory no. | AM 2016-546 |
Voir la notice sur le portail de la Bibliothèque Kandinsky
Far vedere l''aria. Making air visible. A visual reader of Bruno Munari : Zurich, Museum für Gestaltung, 2 septembre-22 octobre 1995. - Baden : Lars Müller, 2000 (Traduction en anglais du catalogue de l''exposition au Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, du 2 septembre au 22 octobre 1995) (reprod. p. 39, 41) . N° isbn 978-3-907044-89-6
Voir la notice sur le portail de la Bibliothèque Kandinsky