
Albanian artist Edi Hila depicts the buildings of his country, frontier-zone between East and West. Standing witness as an artist to developments in post-Communist society, he says his unfinished buildings reflect “a tension between the transition to capitalism and the ways of life that prevailed earlier”. This painting shows a 4 x 4 decorated with wedding ribbons travelling through a deserted and impoverished town. In its gripping contrasts, it epitomises the Albania of the first decade of the new millennium. The distinctive treatment, combining illusionism with a focus on the material, confers a certain mystery on the painting.
Domain | Peinture |
Techniques | Huile sur toile |
Dimensions | 85,5 x 130,5 cm |
Acquisition | Achat, 2008 |
Inventory no. | AM 2008-116 |
Une histoire. Art, architecture, design, des années 1980 à nos jours / sous la dir. de Christine Macel. - Paris : Ed. du Centre Pompidou; Flammarion, 2014
(Cit. et reprod. coul. p. 77)
. N° isbn 978-2-84426-691-0
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