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Discover the entire programme of our temporary, monographic, historical or thematic exhibitions. A constantly renewed panorama of modern art and contemporary creation. 

Current exhibitions

Comics, 1964 – 2024

as part of La BD à tous les étages ("Comics on Every Floor")

29 May – 4 November 2024

 Temporary exhibition 

 Gallery 2, level 6


Prominent figues from European comics, Asian manga, and American comics are featured, ofering a spectacular journey through the history of the medium — from the graphic exuberance of the underground to the most abstract contemporary styles and digital creations.
The exhibition creates unexpected connections between the authors, focusing on major works around themes such as dreams (Killofer), humour
(André Franquin, Gotlib, Claire Bretécher, Catherine Meurisse), futuristic visions (Osamu Tezuka, Philippe Druillet, Moebius), personal storytelling (Edmond Baudoin, Alison Bechdel, Ulli Lust), and narratives  of memory (Art Spiegelman, Marjane Satrapi). 


Infos and booking in the agenda

Comics in the Museum

as part of La BD à tous les étages ("Comics on Every Floor")

29 May – 4 November 2024

 Temporary exhibition in the museum 

Level 5


In resonance with the permanent layout of the modern collection (1900-1960), six monographs dedicated to great comic book artists Edmond-François Calvo, Will Eisner, Hergé, George Herriman, Winsor McCay and Geo McManus are presented, highlighting iconic comic strips. In addition, productions of 15 contemporary comics are exhibited, tributes by an author to an artist they consider as a major source of inspiration, inspired by a quote taken from one of their boards or by a more secret link. 
As visitors discover these multiple resonances through this interplay of echoes, they are invited to take a fresh look at the Centre Pompidou’s masterpieces while developing a more in-depth perception of contemporary comics.


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Corto Maltese. A romanesque life

as part of La BD à tous les étages ("Comics on Every Floor")

29 May – 4 November 2024

 Free exhibition 

Public library, level 2


Created by Hugo Pratt in 1967, Corto Maltese is one of the most iconic characters in comic books. The narrative of his journey, rich in intrigue and twists, is also sprinkled with literary references and quotes, from Rimbaud to Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London, through Hermann Hesse and Gabriele D’Annunzio. Supported by a selection of original documents (photographs, notes, storyboards, sketches, studies, panels, and watercolors), the exhibition explores the literary dimension of the Corto Maltese albums, where reality blends with fiction


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Lagon Magazine. "Le chemin de terre"

as part of La BD à tous les étages ("Comics on Every Floor")

29 May – 19 August 2024

 Free exhibition 

 Level –1


Founded in 2004, Lagon is an independent magazine that hosts some of today’s most daring comic book explorations: visual and typographic choices, diversity of formats, unusual printing techniques, unique papers and materials… Its issues, meticulously composed and never reprinted, invite readers to discover how illustrators break free from traditional codes to imagine new ways of unfolding worlds and storytelling. In the exhibition, different artists engage with all forms of contemporary creation to widely open the spectrum of possibilities. A dive into the avant-garde of comics!


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The Childhood of Design
A Century of Furniture for Children

25 April – 12 August 2024

 Temporary exhibition 

 Gallery 3, level 1


Far from being a miniaturisation of furniture items for adults, furniture for children quickly acquired a real autonomy and developed its own specific character. The greatest of designers have taken an interest in designing objects for children throughout the 20th century. Today, designers like matali crasset or smarin derive another approach to design from the world of childhood, based on hybrid "situation-objects" that feed into changing scenarios. 
Presenting a hundred-odd works conserved by the Musée national d’art moderne, the exhibition explores the revival of design chronologically, through the prism of these "small objects", leading to new typologies of delightful aesthetic objects and amusing learning tools that pave the way to creativity. 


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Hervé Di Rosa
The World-Crosser 

28 February – 26 August 2024

 Temporary exhibition in the museum 
 Galerie d'art graphique, level 4


As the heir to a story ranging from the Dada movement through to punk rock, taking in Jean Dubuffet and CoBrA, French artist Hervé Di Rosa (born in 1959 in Sète) has consistently questioned the legitimacy of artistic hierarchy and the absolutism of "fine art". An essential figure in 1980s Figuration libre, he was also an avid collector. Part of his collection of Modest Arts is exhibited in the permanent collection at the International Museum of Modest Arts (Miam) established in 2000 in Sète by Hervé Di Rosa and Bernard Belluc. 
The exhibition features around 30 works providing an eloquent overview of the artist’s career, thanks especially to the artist’s significant donation in 2013 and the loaning of several recent works.


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Vera Molnár
Speak to the Eye 

28 February – 26 August 2024

 Temporary exhibition in the Museum 

 Galerie du Musée, level 4


Digital art pioneer Vera Molnár was born in Budapest in 1924 and resided in Paris from 1947 until her death on 7 December 2023 at the age of 99. 
Her incredibly creative, prodigious career is on display here, starting with her first drawings in 1946 through to a 2023 installation created specifically for this exhibition, and featuring an extensive body of works (paintings, drawings, photographs and wall installations) as well as selected extracts from her Diaries. These are conserved in state collections, mostly at the Musée national d’art moderne, thanks to the artist’s generosity. 


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Bernard Réquichot
"I never started to paint"

3 April – 2 September 2024

 Temporary exhibition in the museum 

 Galerie ouest, level 4


Despite a meteoric career (less than ten years), Bernard Réquichot (1929-1961) was a major protagonist of the 1950s Paris art scene. Marked by "Surrealism's second wind", his production around 1955 is in line with the gestural and textural abstraction that occupied a preeminent place at the time.
This chronological retrospective features over 60 works: mainly paintings, his famous Reliquaries, and some impressive collage (his "chosen papers") and drawings demonstrating strong visual impact.


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Hannah Villiger

3 April – 22 July 2024

 Free temporary exhibition 
 Galerie de photographies, level –1


As a graduate in sculpture from the Lucerne University of Applied Arts in 1974, Hannah Villiger (1951 -1997) then embraced photography as her preferred medium in the 1980s. Using a 35-mm camera, then a Polaroid, she showed fragments of her body, in various states. Enlarged and presented as dynamic blocks, her photographs reveal intrinsic corporeal properties, as an anonymised material, shaped by mechanical recording.


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Coming soon


4 September 2024 – 13 January 2025

 Temporary exhibition 

 Gallery 1, level 6


Retracing over 40 years of exceptional creative effervescence, from 1924 to 1969, "Surrealism" marks the anniversary of this movement, which was born in 1924 with the publication of André Breton’s founding Manifesto.
The exhibition is organised both chronologically and thematically, structured into 14 sections that evoke literary figures who inspired the movement (Lautréamont, Lewis Carroll, Sade, etc.) and the poetic principles that structured its imagery (the artist as a medium, dreams, the philosopher’s stone, the forest, etc.).

Prix Marcel Duchamp 2024
The nominees

2 October 2024 – 6 January 2025

 Temporary exhibition 

 Gallery 4, level 1


Established in 2000 to showcase the vibrancy of the French art scene, the Marcel Duchamp Prize rewards and promotes the most representative artists of their generation internationally. 
For its 24th edition, four artists have been recognised: Abdelkader Benchamma, Gaëlle Choisne, Angela Detanico et Rafael Lain, Noémie Goudal.

Chosen by an international jury, the name of the winner of the 2024 edition will be revealed on Monday, October 14.