Festival / Evening
L'art des acccidents
28 May 2015
The event is over
Julien Prévieux, 2014. Détail, Archives du musée du bug (diagramme historique)
Julien Prévieux, 2014. Détail, Archives du musée du bug (diagramme historique)
Playing with the game rather than playing the game: this is the critical diversion proposed by the artist Julien Prévieux in the "Musée du bug" or "Bug museum", where he invites us to explore the role played by errors in video games. From players' mistakes to faults in computerisation, the experience of gaming comes up against various bugs: inaccurate information, invalid positions in time or space, pranks and unexpected variations which move beyond and enrich the strict framework of the original rules. Julien Prévieux is the winner of the 2014 Prix Marcel Duchamp and will have his own exhibition at the Centre Pompidou this autumn.
Talk by Julien Prévieux and Grégoire Chamayou
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28 May 2015
7pm - 9pm
7pm - 9pm
Petite salle