Debate / Meeting
By Benoît Peeters
19 Oct - 9 Dec 2011
The event is over
Extrait des Murailles de Samaris de François Schuiten et Benoît Peeters
© Casterman / Avec l'aimable autorisation des auteurs et des Editions Casterman
Writer, screen writer, producer and critic Benoît Peeters has been invited to share his areas of expertise and his affinities, to set the “tone” for a series of evenings as a catalyst or a hidden denominator.The Centre Pompidou is showcasing the approaches and the affinities of designers via the “Selon” series, a sequence of evenings dedicated to the world of an artist or a thinker. This autumn, it is the turn of Benoît Peeters, who will discuss himself and his fellow travellers on his journey into the discovery of the image.
Extrait des Murailles de Samaris de François Schuiten et Benoît Peeters
© Casterman / Avec l'aimable autorisation des auteurs et des Editions Casterman
19 Oct - 9 Dec 2011
every days except tuesdays
every days except tuesdays
Petite salle
Petite Salle
Grande Salle