Festival / Evening
Un Nouveau festival 2015 / Expanding the Field of Play
18 Jun - 20 Jul 2015

The event is over

Whether it consists of board/parlour, language, video or strategy games, the common denominator of all these games is that they are governed by rules. It is precisely these rules that make it possible to change over from a game deployed freely [play] to a codified version [game]. This proposal brings together visual artists, performers and designers who see the rules of games as a matrix or score that can generate new and playful forms in contemporary creation. Overturning or reinventing them, the works exhibited make play with these rules, with some addressing the highly topical question of the "gamification" phenomenon: the extension of the domain of games to other spheres from which they are normally excluded. Certain performative works are activated through a system of rules, while other pieces are "played" directly by the audience, who follow instructions. The politic question of obedience and disobedience to these rules is also explored.
Artists : Pablo Accinelli, Anna Barham, Timothée Dufresne, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Uta Eisenreich, Oscar Enberg, Christian Falsnaes, Femke Herregraven, Douglas Huebler, Zhana Ivanova, Jonathan Monk, Brian O’Doherty, Amalia Pica, Dan Rees, Kateina Šedá, Pilvi Takala et Suzanne Treister
11am - 9pm, every days except tuesdays