Debate / Meeting
The proliferation of anagrams
20 Jun 2013

The event is over

Ferdinand de Saussure laid the foundations of the modern science of language in his Cours de Linguistique Générale, but he also studied the role of anagrams, for example in ancient poetry, to reflect on a “poetic” role of language. Daniel Heller Roazen returns to this subject and examines the argument that poetry is based on the unknown and perhaps unknowable interplay of elements of speech. With Daniel Heller Roazen (Professor of Comparative Literature) and Yve-Alain Bois.

Ferdinand de Saussure laid the foundations of the modern science of language in his Cours de Linguistique Générale, but he also studied the role of anagrams, for example in ancient poetry, to reflect on a “poetic” role of language. Daniel Heller Roazen returns to this subject and examines the argument that poetry is based on the unknown and perhaps unknowable interplay of elements of speech.
With Daniel Heller Roazen (Professor of Comparative Literature) and Yve-Alain Bois.
From 7pm