Debate / Meeting |
Festival / Evening
The contemporary literature festival of the Bpi
27 Feb - 1 Mar 2020

The event is over

The contemporary literature festival of the Public Information Library (BPI) explores the links between literature and reality. To capture the depth, the density of things, to recreate reality, is what drives many contemporary authors and fuels their writings. The guest authors awaken us, jostle us and appeal to us to see the state of the world, questioning our intimacy, our dreams and our intentions. Come and meet the most acclaimed writers of the moment at round tables, interviews, meetings, readings, writing workshops, signings and literary performances.
Guest authors: Bérengère Cournut, Vincent Message, Hélène Gaudy, Maylis de Kerangal, Adrien Bosc and many more.

27 - 28 février 2020, de 14h à 21h
29 fév. - 1er mars 2020 de 12h à 21h
Presentation of the Festival
The Public Information Library is organising the first edition of Effractions – réel / fiction, its festival of contemporary literature. For four days, some thirty authors making literary headlines are invited to debate and exchange, to narrate and read the world. Their works provoke us to consider the link between literature and reality; they question and redefine the frontiers between genres.
The Effractions festival showcases a literature that confronts and challenges in a library with a focus on current affairs, that is sensitive to the societal questions and the debates of our time. The guest authors wake us up, shake us up and challenge us about the state of the world and question us about our private lives, our dreams and intentions. They come to grips with the throbbing pulse of reality in order to open up unexpected perspectives in us and shift our limits.
Consistent with its missions, the BPI wants its festival to be a unique experience for all users, visitors, avid readers and the merely curious. The encounters with the authors are organised in different forms: in "Collusions" a writer dialogues with a specialist from another discipline concerning a central theme in his/her work; in "Regards croisés", two or three authors evoke a topical question that contributed to their work; "Le revue de presse de l'écrivain" questions the author's way of relating to the news and current events; "A voix haute" makes their writing audible, while "Chantier de fouille" examines the role of documentation in their work.
In addition to setting up a participative structure around the Effractions literary prize awarded by the Société des Gens de Lettres, for which the public's opinion is solicited, writing workshops in partnership with Les Mots writing school and the programme is rounded off with artistic and cultural education programmes for lycée students from the region. Activities outside the library in partnership with the Paris libraries, and a programme proposed by master's students in literary creation in Université Paris 8 contribute to making these four days a broadly shared literary and festive experience, reminding us that now more than ever, literature has its finger on the pulse of life!
Source :
By Blandine Fauré
Programmer of the Effraction Festival
In Code couleur n°36, january-april 2020, p. 44-45