Debate / Meeting
Food visions. Food and media
15 Jun 2013

The event is over

From reality television where budding chefs extol the virtues of “sustainable fishing” to controversies linked to the traceability of meat, media representations of cooking and food reflect and alter the tensions of society. How are the food visions which nourish contemporary identities formed?

From reality television where budding chefs extol the virtues of “sustainable fishing” to controversies linked to the traceability of meat, media representations of cooking and food reflect and alter the tensions of society. How are the food visions which nourish contemporary identities formed?
With E. Probyn, Theorist in Cultural Studies. Debate followed by a performance of culinary design by J. Fruchon and A. Leclère.
From 7pm
En partenariat avec la revue Poli-Politique de l’image