Césarée / Les Mains négatives / L'Homme atlantique
20 Dec 2014

The event is over

Starting with Détruire, dit-elle, Marguerite Duras began to construct/deconstruct her love-hate relationship with the cinema. Beyond the text, beyond theatre, there is the cinema – an unknown continent where characters can be embodied, where words can make the film vibrate, and where models of the new society take shape. The finally joyous discourse of Détruire, dit-elle, is "smash everything and start again". The concrete application of this revolutionary slogan imbues the films of Marguerite Duras, through the blurring of the classical grammar of the image and through desynchronisation, right through to the dark images which suddenly break off the wanderings of L’Homme atlantique, seeming to say to us, "Close your eyes, listen, and you will see."
L’Homme atlantique (1981, 42’), Détruire, dit-elle (1969, 90’), by Marguerite Duras/Linked with exhibition "Duras Song, portrait d’une écriture".
From 5pm