Tarrah Krajnak
Nationalité américaine (péruvienne à la naissance)
Birth: 1979, Lima (Pérou)
Place(s) of residence and work : Los Angeles (Californie, Etats-Unis)
© Tarrah Krajnak
Self-Portrait as Weston/as Charis Wilson, 1936/2020 (Autoportrait en W…
Self-Portrait as Weston/as Charis Wilson (holding knee), 1934/2020 (Au…
Self-Portrait as Weston/as Charis Wilson, 1934/2020 (Autoportrait en W…
Self-Portrait as Weston /as Test Charis Wilson on Darkroom2 Cover, 193…
Self-Portrait as Weston/as Charis Wilson, 1925/2020 (Autoportrait en W…
Self-Portrait as Weston/as Charis Wilson (bent over), 1927/2020 (Autop…
Self-Portrait as Weston/as Bertha Wardell, 1927/2020 (Autoportrait en …
Self-Portrait as Weston with Light Meter/with Test Charis Wilson on Da…
Self-Portrait as Weston/as Bertha Wardell (standing from behind), 1927…
Self-Portrait as Weston/as Bertha Wardell (knees), 1927/2020 (Autoport…
Self-Portrait as Weston/as Charis Wilson in Civilian Defense, 1942/202…