La Grande momie
1963 - 1964

La Grande momie
1963 - 1964
La grande momie belongs to the ensemble called "verbal crystallisations" that Paul-Armand Gette exhibited for the first ti me at the Jacques Matarasso gallery in Nice, in 1960. Aggregated wooden print characters of different sizes suggest a body shape or the shell of an insect. Marked by Dada poetry and the Surrealist exquisite corpses, Gette created sculptures that echoed his poetic practice, playing with free association of ideas, releasing the characters from the language. Gette participated in some publications of the Lettrists and shared with them an enthusiastic interest in typography.
Domain | Sculpture |
Techniques | Bois, métal |
Dimensions | 205 x 67 x 75 cm |
Acquisition | Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne 2014 |
Inventory no. | AM 2014-406 |
Detailed description
Artist |
Paul-Armand Gette
(1927, France - 2024) |
Main title | La Grande momie |
Series title | Morphogrammes |
Creation date | 1963 - 1964 |
Domain | Sculpture |
Description | Assemblage de lettres d'imprimerie en bois |
Techniques | Bois, métal |
Dimensions | 205 x 67 x 75 cm |
Acquisition | Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne 2014 |
Collection area | Arts Plastiques - Contemporain |
Inventory no. | AM 2014-406 |
Paul-Armand Gette [Texte imprimé] : nymphe, nymphaea & voisinages : [Magasin-Centre national d''art contemporain de Grenoble, exposition du 26 février au 21 mai 1989] / [textes de Paul-Armand Gette, Franz Kaiser, Bernard Marcadé [et al.]]; - Grenoble : Magasin-Centre national d''art contemporain, 1989 (cit. (légende) p.96 et reprod. p.22) . N° isbn 2-906732-17-6
Voir la notice sur le portail de la Bibliothèque Kandinsky
P.-A.Gette / Bernard Marcadé. - Editeur : Paris : Fall, 1999 (reprod.p.20) . N° isbn 2910667065
Voir la notice sur le portail de la Bibliothèque Kandinsky