Maquette spatiale

Maquette spatiale
An abstract architectural composition, this work by Ettore Sotsass participates in the re-thinking of abstraction that took place in Italy in the immediate post-war years, documented in the exhibition Arte astratta e arte concreta held in Milan in 1947, at which Sotsass showed. At the intersection of sculpture, architecture and design, this “spatial model” makes reference to such avant-garde tendencies as Constructivism and Neo-Plasticism. It coincides, too, with Lucio Fontana’s Manifesto spazialista (1949), which promoted the idea of the “ambiente spaziale”, an environment to be activated, which sees form projected into the dimension of time.
Domain | Objet/Design | Objet-sculpture |
Techniques | Tôle, fil métallique, bois |
Dimensions | 53,3 x 17 x 18,5 cm |
Acquisition | Achat, 2015 |
Inventory no. | AM 2015-1-13 |
Detailed description
Artist |
Ettore Sottsass
(1917, Autriche - 2007, Italie) |
Main title | Maquette spatiale |
Creation date | 1947 |
Domain | Objet/Design | Objet-sculpture |
Techniques | Tôle, fil métallique, bois |
Dimensions | 53,3 x 17 x 18,5 cm |
Printing | Pièce unique |
Inscriptions | Sculpture signée et datée "122047ES" |
Acquisition | Achat, 2015 |
Collection area | Design |
Inventory no. | AM 2015-1-13 |