My Protagonist Kim Carson
mai 1981

My Protagonist Kim Carson
mai 1981
Domain | Nouveaux médias | Oeuvre sonore |
Techniques | Disque microsillon en vinylite noire |
Duration | 4 minutes 56 secondes |
Acquisition | Achat, 2002 |
Inventory no. | AM 2002-265 (2.3) |
Is part of the set |
You're The Guy I Want To Share My Money With (Dissociable set of artworks) |
Pas de reproduction
Detailed description
Artist |
William S. Burroughs
(1914, États-Unis - 1997, États-Unis) | |
Main title | My Protagonist Kim Carson | |
Other title | William S. Burroughs | |
Collection title | The Place Of Dead Roads | |
Title of the set of artworks | You're the Guy I Want to Share My Money With | |
Creation date | mai 1981 | |
Is part of the set | You're The Guy I Want To Share My Money With (Dissociable set of artworks) 1981 Double vinyle 33 tours | |
Circumstances of production | Album publié grâce aux subventions de The National Endowment for the Arts, The New York State Council on the Arts, et Elyse & Stanley Grinstein | |
Place of production | Enregistré lors de "The Red Night Tour", à Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco & Toronto respectivement les 9, 13, 16 et 31 mai 1981. | |
With | Edition musicale : Giorno Poetry Systems Institute Inc., New York (États-Unis) Ingénieur du son : James GRAUERHOLZ (assisté de Whippo, Gordon Craig, Janet Ring & Stuart Kremsky) Ingénieur du son, arrangements : Bobby BIELECKI (À ZBS Media, Fort Edwards, New York.) Producteur : John GIORNO Producteur : Gregory SHIFRIN Co-producteur : James GRAUERHOLZ | |
Domain | Nouveaux médias | Oeuvre sonore | |
Description | Vinyle 33 tours, plage 3, face 3 | |
Techniques | Disque microsillon en vinylite noire | |
Design stage | Tiré de "The Place Of Dead Roads", édité par Holt en 1984 | |
Duration | 4 minutes 56 secondes | |
Printing | Edition Giorno Poetry Systems Records, New York, Vinyle 2/2, 33 tours 12 inch Référence No. GPS 021, 1981. | |
Inscriptions | N.C. : GPS 021 A | |
Acquisition | Achat, 2002 | |
Collection area | Nouveaux medias | |
Inventory no. | AM 2002-265 (2.3) |