1962, And The Coach Told Me to Take Off My Shirt - August 7, 1965, The…
30 mars 1969

1962, And The Coach Told Me to Take Off My Shirt - August 7, 1965, The Celia Sisters
30 mars 1969
Domain | Nouveaux médias | Oeuvre sonore |
Techniques | Impression Offset quadrichromie couché moderne semi-mat |
Duration | 3 minutes 28 secondes |
Acquisition | Achat, 2002 |
Inventory no. | AM 2002-268 (7) |
Is part of the set |
You're a Hook, The 15 Year Anniversary of Dial-A-Poem (1968-1983) (Dissociable set of artworks) |
Pas de reproduction
Detailed description
Artist |
Jim Carroll
(1950, États-Unis) | |
Main title | 1962, And The Coach Told Me to Take Off My Shirt - August 7, 1965, The Celia Sisters | |
Collection title | The Basketball Diaries | |
Title of the set of artworks | You're a Hook, The 15 Year Anniversary of Dial-A-Poem (1968-1983) | |
Creation date | 30 mars 1969 | |
Is part of the set | You're a Hook, The 15 Year Anniversary of Dial-A-Poem (1968-1983) (Dissociable set of artworks) 1983 Vinyle 33 tours | |
Circumstances of production | Album publié grâce aux subventions de The National Endowment for the Arts, The New York State Council on the Arts, Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines, Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, et de Elyse & Stanley Grinstein | |
Place of production | Enregistré à Giorno Poetry Systems, New York, le 30 mars 1969 | |
With | Edition musicale : Giorno Poetry Systems Institute Inc., New York (États-Unis) Ingénieur du son : Bobby BIELECKI | |
Domain | Nouveaux médias | Oeuvre sonore | |
Description | Vinyle 33 tours, face 2, plage 3 | |
Techniques | Impression Offset quadrichromie couché moderne semi-mat | |
Design stage | Tiré de "The Basketball Diaries" Jim Carroll, (journal) 1978, Penguin, 1ère édition 1980 | |
Duration | 3 minutes 28 secondes | |
Printing | Edition Giorno Poetry Systems Records, New York, Vinyle 33 tours 12 inch Référence No. GPS 030, 1983. | |
Inscriptions | N.C. : GPS-030-B | |
Acquisition | Achat, 2002 | |
Collection area | Nouveaux medias | |
Inventory no. | AM 2002-268 (7) |