Hommage à Maria Klonaris
14 Jan 2015

The event is over

Maria Klonaris, who sadly passed away a year ago, has left an oeuvre defined by the strength of her artistic and feminist commitments. Together with Katerina Thomadaki, they have been subverting gender and exploring the identity of female body through their films, performances, installations and multimedia works. The two films presented in this tribute to the artist, Pulsar (2001) and Selva. A Portrait of Parvaneh Navaï (1981-83), illustrate the singularity of Klonaris' and Thomadaki's cinéma corporel (cinema of the body) which has left a strong mark on the experimental scene in Paris.
Maria Klonaris/Katerina Thomadaki, Pulsar, 2001, vidéo numérique, coul., son, 14'
Maria Klonaris, Selva. Un portrait de Parvaneh Navaï, 1981-83, 35mm, coul., son Dolby SR, 70'.
Film restauré du Super 8 en 35mm par les Archives françaises du Film/CNC sous la direction de Maria Klonaris et Katerina Thomadaki.
From 7pm