Debate / Meeting
Graphic pratices in today's publishing
Autour de l’image : livres illustrés, beaux-livres et livres pour enfants
28 May 2014

The event is over

Le premier livre pour enfants des éditions de la NRF : Macao et Cosmage d’Edy-Legrand, 1919 / Archives éditions Gallimard

Le premier livre pour enfants des éditions de la NRF : Macao et Cosmage d’Edy-Legrand, 1919 / Archives éditions Gallimard
Around the image: illustrated, coffee table and children's books. How did a catalogue of illustrated books take shape in a highly literary publishing house, mainly preoccupied with books on fiction and thought? This question has been central to the history of Gallimard since the early Twenties: the illustrated book has never been relegated to the sidelines. A graphic history of the NRF thus built up through its major collections for young people, its artistic monographs and its illustrated books. And this history finds a certain echo in that of its chief rivals.
Talk by Alban Cerisier (publishing historian and general secretary of Gallimard).
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28 May 2014
From 7pm
From 7pm
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