Debate / Meeting
Topographie Anecdotée* du hasard / Daniel Spoerri
20 Apr 2017

The event is over

In 1961, Daniel Spoerri, in the spirit of his own particular concrete poetry, began writing the Topographie anecdotée* du hazard: a meticulous description of objects he found on his table. In this manifesto for New Realism, literary experiment, autobiography of a generation of artists and text full of humour, he name-drops his way through the entire avant-garde milieu of the Sixties. The text later became a book, a new edition of which recounts this singular publishing adventure and the unprecedented invention of the augmented book.
Topo-Reading by Jacques Rebotier and his company voQue of Daniel Spoerri's Topographie anecdotée* du hasard (co-published by Othello/Le Nouvel Attila & Le Bureau des Activités Littéraires, 2016).
8pm - 9:30pm