Show / Concert |
Debate / Meeting
Move | Manuel Pelmus
31 May 2019

The event is over

Born in Bucharest in 1974, Manuel Pelmus lives and works between Oslo and the Rumanian capital. Trained as a choreographer, his work tends towards the visual arts. He showed his work at the Tate Modern, London; and at the Tate Liverpool; at the Ludwig Museum, Köln; at the OFF-Biennale in Budapest; at the Kiev Biennale; at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven; at Para Site, Hong Kong and at the Venice Biennale.
In Borderlines, Manuel Pelmusrevisits past performances and personal histories and aggregates notions of visibility and invisibility in connection to history and politics of representation.
These histories playfully move back and forth in time and space, updating and reflecting on the notion of boundaries, may they be boundaries between states or boundaries between artistic disciplines.
The artist uses his own memories of the passing of borders, prior to the fall of the Berlin wall.

8:30pm - 9:30pm