Debate / Meeting
Claude Lévèque and Jonathan Loppin
14 Nov 2012

The event is over

Claude Lévêque, a leading figure in French contemporary art whose practice constantly challenges established conventions with works often created in situ and requiring the viewer's involvement, and Jonathan Loppin, a young French artist developing a sculptural body of work with a romantic and militant approach based simultaneously on the reappropriation of the everyday and its use in novel ways, will be the speakers this evening.

Claude Lévêque, a leading figure in French contemporary art whose practice constantly challenges established conventions with works often created in situ and requiring the viewer's involvement, and Jonathan Loppin, a young French artist developing a sculptural body of work with a romantic and militant approach based simultaneously on the reappropriation of the everyday and its use in novel ways, will be the speakers this evening.
Programmation / intervenant(s) :
Avec Claude Lévêque et Jonathan Loppin, et Cécile Dazord, Conservatrice chargée de l'art contemporain au Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France.
From 7pm