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Tour / Workshop

Visite "coups de coeur"

02 Jul 2006

The event is over

Conférencière : Claire RENIER

Saburo Murakami , Passage, 8 novembre 1994, entrée du musée

Richard Serra, Hand Catching Lead, 1968, rue

Stan Brakhage, Chartres Series, 1994, salle 8

Bruce Nauman, Mapping the studio II with color shift, flip, flop & flip/flop (fat Chance John Cage), 2001, salle 11

Bruce Nauman, Walking in an Exggerated Manner around the Perimeter of a sq,1967-1968, rue

Robert Smithson, Mirror Vortex, 1964, salle 9

Paik Nam June , Zen for Film (Fluxfilm n 1), 1964, salle 22

Erwin Wurm, 59 Positions, 1992, salle 24


02 Jul 2006
From 2:30pm


