Claudia von Alemman
Exprmntl 4 Knokke
06 Jun 2018
The event is over
From its creation in 1949 by Jacques Ledoux to its last edition in 1974, the international experimental film festival of Knokke-le-Zoute, EXPRMNTL, has remained a one-of-a-kind experience to this day. A major event for art scenes from many backgrounds, its five editions contributed to the recognition of art focused on experimentation. Marked by a whiff of challenge, its penultimate edition sparked considerable debate and the subversion of codes at the very heart of the avant-garde. A rare document, the film EXPRMNTL 4 Knokke by German film director Claudia von Alemann casts a revealing gaze on the electric atmosphere of these encounters.
EXPRMNTL 4 Knokke (1967, 45’). Screening followed by a conversation with Claudia von Alemann, Xavier Garcia Bardon and Jean-Jacques Lebel, echoing the exhibition on the same subject.
7pm - 8:30pm