Madame Jean
Sophie Bruneau, Marc-Antoine Roudil
30 Mar - 1 Apr 2011
The event is over
The Earth trembles :Agrarian reform, property, communities The filmmaker follows the occupation of a Venezuelan hacienda during a land-sharing operation that does not have unanimous support.
Madame Jean :An old roadside farm in south Cantal. Madame Jean is seated at the table. She receives a visit from the writer Marie-Hélène Lafon. Both are farmers' daughters and share a common history.
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30 Mar 2011
From 6:15pm
From 6:30pm, every wednesdays
From 6:15pm
From 6:30pm, every wednesdays
31 Mar 2011
From 2:15pm
From 4:45pm, every thursdays
From 2:15pm
From 4:45pm, every thursdays
01 Apr 2011
From 5pm
From 5pm
Petite salle
Cinéma 1