Festival / Evening
Duspelarjuschack ? / Sprüllerjuchskchechkerch
Conference / Performance by Gérard Assayag and Georges Bloch
21 Feb 2013
The event is over
Technologies: Benjamin Lévy, Georges Bloch, Nicolas Obin (Ircam Musical Representations and Sound Analysis-Synthesis Teams)
Texts in GeenKrimpien : Jaap Blonk
Speech phenomena like echolalia and glossolalia are vested with mystery evoking in turn pathology, mysticism and linguistic creativity. However computer algorithms have an uncanny propensity to say the least to produce them. They will be used for a performance in GeenKrimpien based on the famous dialogue between the knight and death in Bergman’s film.
Technologies: Benjamin Lévy, Georges Bloch, Nicolas Obin (Ircam Musical Representations and Sound Analysis-Synthesis Teams)
Texts in GeenKrimpien : Jaap Blonk
Speech phenomena like echolalia and glossolalia are vested with mystery evoking in turn pathology, mysticism and linguistic creativity. However computer algorithms have an uncanny propensity to say the least to produce them. They will be used for a performance in GeenKrimpien based on the famous dialogue between the knight and death in Bergman’s film.
From 2pm