Nous étions communistes
28 Mar 2011
The event is over
Compétition internationale
Nous étions communistes *
We were communists
Maher Abi Samra
2010, Liban / France, 84’
dimanche 27 mars, 21h, PS vo/fr + débat salle
lundi 28 mars, 16h30, C1 vo/fr+en + débat Petit forum
mercredi 30 mars, 17h, CWB vo/fr
Quatre millions de Libanais, 18 confessions : le cinéaste réunit ses anciens
camarades communistes pour comprendre la fragmentation de Beyrouth et de la
société libanaise depuis la guerre civile.
Four million Lebanese, 18 religions: the filmmaker brings his former communist
comrades together to understand why Beirut and Lebanese society have been
fragmented since the civil war.
* Accessible en priorité aux accrédités
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28 Mar 2011
From 4:30pm
From 4:30pm
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