Exhibition / Museum
Nicos Charalambidis
Ledra Barricade
27 Aug - 7 Sep 2008

The event is over

The Centre Pompidou Piazza hosts Nicos Charalambidis' artwork from August 27th to September 7th.
Ledra Barricade recalls Cyprus' recent history as well as the history of her political and geographical divisions. For more than thirty years Ledra Street was closed by a barricade which has recently been destroyed giving hope of bringing together greek cypriots and turkish cypriots, even if problems still remain. The video installed on a wooden platform - that reminds the one who intersected Ledra Street - diffuses images filmed during the dismantling of the barricade.
This structure, transformed in an alternative place, is also refering to the artist's whole creative process called Social gym. Started in the eighties, this approach considers the idea of the museum according to the ancient greek term : a laboratory of ideas, a space to meet in like the « agora ». One can also find here the concept of Rumbling Museum, a mobile and nomadic structure which Nicos Charalambidis sets up virtually in politically sensitive places.
every days except tuesdays