Katerina Andreou
Zeppelin Bend
25 Feb 2021
The event is over
What training for what performance, what preparation for what struggle, what effort for what goal? Following on from BSTRD and A Kind of Fierce, Katerina Andreou continues her exploration of physical practices, again using the stage to question free will. She sees physical activity as an exercise in rigour and discipline that is also related to the desire to wrestle with the question of control and power.
Zeppelin Bend, named after the knot used to tie two ropes together and to moor airships, is a methodological quest: how can two people find a single body language based on massive effort and the states it can generate? Katerina Andreou and Natali Mandila establish links between dances, actions and sounds, engaging both a hard-core discipline and a psychedelic imagination. In a world where keeping one's feet on the ground or floating away are often considered to be means of survival, they will do both. While seeking moments of freedom, they attempt to anchor themselves in reality by concentrating on what their bodies are doing.
Concept/Création : Katerina Andreou
Interprétation : Katerina Andreou, Natali Mandila
Création lumières : Yannick Fouassier
Création sonore : Katerina Andreou et Cristián Sotomayor
Collaboration son : Tal Agam
Regard extérieur : Myrto Katsiki
Production, diffusion : Elodie Perrin
Production : BARK
Coproduction : Les Spectacles vivants du Centre Pompidou, Onassis Stegi Athènes, Tanzquartier Vienne, Atelier de Paris / Centre de développement chorégraphique national, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie, dans le cadre du dispositif Accueil Studio, CN D Centre national de la danse, accueil en résidence, Le Gymnase I CDCN, CCN2-Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble dans le cadre de l’accueil studio 2020, Far festival des arts vivants Nyon, Centrale Fies (dans le cadre de LIVE WORKS Act Award 2019)
Soutiens : BUDA Courtrai, RAMDAM UN CENTRE D’ART, Angers-CDCN, CDC de Grenoble, « Accueilli en résidence aux SUBS – lieu vivant d’expériences artistiques, Lyon ».
BARK a reçu le soutien de Van Cleef & Arpels.
7pm - 8pm
Event postponed
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