Festival / Evening
Brussels Days 2021
Découvrez la création contemporaine bruxelloise au Centre Pompidou !
22 - 24 Sep 2021

The event is over
For the Brussels Days 2021 KANAL-Centre Pompidou proposes a program that mainly takes place in public spaces. Indeed, the health crisis that we are going through has brought another look on the city as a space of games and expressions that artists have seized to better question it.
This notion of 'being one’ with the city and those who animate it is a dear question to KANAL-Centre Pompidou which, beyond a new museum of modern and contemporary art, aims to become a cultural hub in the city.
The artistic program will be articulated around the central project Studio Cité of the Belgian artist Benjamin Vandewalle. It is a 'laboratory' project where the public is invited to live a playful experience in order to take a different look at the city. Sometimes participative, sometimes contemplative, these different propositions of the Belgian cultural scene are engaged and denounce, not without a certain poetry, the multiple drifts of our current society. So many suggestions to question, (re)think the world while creating social links around a playful and artistic moment.
Studio Cité
© Thomas Seest