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In France
Concert de l’atelier des musiques mixtes
25 Jun 2021

The event is over
In order to become a repertoire, mixed music works require a comprehensive understanding of their interpretation and a high level of technical competence. This is precisely the objective of this workshop where computer music designers tackle a somewhat elliptical musical text, and seek to balance the artistic choices.
Siwoong Choi (accordion), Augustin D’Oliveira (cello), Anna Killy (flute), Volodia Lambert (bass),
Shoko Ogoshi (piano), music students from the Pôle Sup’93 in the framework of the program « Parcours musique mixte Pôle Sup’93/Ircam »
Simone Conforti, Jean Lochard, Sébastien Naves: IRCAM educational advisors
Matteo Cesari (flutist) Pôle Sup’93 educational advisor
Francisco Alvarado, Mayu Hirano, Tom Mays, Tolga Tüzün (IRCAM), John Whiting: computer-music design
Computer music control by academy's students: Francesco Di Maggio (Italy), Ivan Ferrer-Orozco (Mexico), Hibiki Mukai (Japan)
Concert recording by students from École nationale supérieure Louis-Lumière: Nicolas Akl, Léo Battle, Florent Goetgheluck, Valentin Marguery, Esteban Serna-Fluttaz, Samuel-Achkar Wade
Francisco Alvarado, [in]certi(é)tude
Ivan Fedele, Donacis Ambra
Jonathan Harvey, Ricercare una melodia
Mayu Hirano, Instant suspendu
Tolga Tüzün, Metathesis
8pm - 9:30pm
Répétitions du Cursus
© Quentin Chevrier