Exhibition / Museum
León Ferrari
L’aimable cruauté
20 Apr - 29 Aug 2022

The event is over

León Ferrari « La Civilización Occidental y Cristiana »,1965. Assembly: painted wooden military aircraft and plaster Christ. © Fundación Augusto y León Ferrari Arte y Acervo Exposition « La bondadosa crueldad. León Ferrari 100 años » au Museo Reina Sofía (Espagne) © Photo: Joaquín Cortés/Román Lores. Archivofotográfico del Museo Reina Sofía. December 2020
The Centre Pompidou presents the very first museum exhibition of Léon Ferrari's work in France. Léon Ferrari (1920-2013) is the creator of a protean, alternately mysterious and literal body of work whose formal rigour is on a par with his subversive power.

León Ferrari « La Civilización Occidental y Cristiana »,1965. Assembly: painted wooden military aircraft and plaster Christ. © Fundación Augusto y León Ferrari Arte y Acervo Exposition « La bondadosa crueldad. León Ferrari 100 años » au Museo Reina Sofía (Espagne) © Photo: Joaquín Cortés/Román Lores. Archivofotográfico del Museo Reina Sofía. December 2020
While working as an engineer, he began to draw as an autodidact in 1946 but it was in 1952, when he moved to Italy with his family, that he made his first ceramic sculptures. Struck by the violence of his time, particularly that of the Vietnam War, Ferrari dedicated his work to demonstrating the barbarity of the liberal Western world. Holding Christianity responsible for the contemporary phenomena of torture and exclusion, his anticolonial discourse went hand in hand with fierce anticlericalism. Rejecting all purely formal approaches to his work, Ferrari never ceased to warn us about the process by means of which art embellishes and trivialises violence – a mechanism he called "amiable cruelty".
Idea and realization
MNCARS, Familia Ferrari
Honour committee
Familia Ferrari, CELS Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, Gabriela Baldomá, Rosita Lesca, Ana Longoni, Rosario Peiro
Andrea Wain
General production
Ofelia Fernandez, Alfrida Podlischevsky, Silvia Badariotti, Claudio Souto,
Pablo Wexler, Iara Freiberg, Yaya Firpo, Isabel Ferrari, Ernesto Monsanto, Lucas Turturro, Laila Melis.
Conservation and registrar
Gabriela Baldomá avec la collaboration de Javiera Paz Eyzaguirre Rudloff
General Coordination
Carlota Álvarez Basso
Julieta Zamorano et Anna Ferrari
11am - 9pm, every days except tuesdays
Booking strongly recommended