Ayaka Nakama
Freeway Dance
23 - 24 Oct 2021

The event is over
For her latest creation, Freeway Dance, Ayaka Nakama asked friends – her neighbour, her father and friends – to relate their first memories of dance. Based on these discussions the artist imagined a choreography in which she reconstitutes with her own body the movements from the past of the others.
Ayaka Nakama situates this dance in a garden she shares with the public during the representation. The stage of the Grande Salle is transformed into a surprising and lush vegetal microcosm where the public are accorded freedoms that are unusual in theatre: they can move about, sit down, play on a swing, read. This form of freedom, grasped and expressed through dance, gives rise to unexpected encounters between individuals, between past and present, between nature and nurture.
Before each representation the public receive an email asking them to send a song associated with one of their memories, a dance or a journey by car. In accordance with the principle of transmission, the dances of other people are performed on the memories of the spectators gathered together in the room.
Dance: Ayaka Nakama
Dramatisation: Shunsuke Manabe and Tomonori Fujisawa
Memory collaborators (choreographies): Tsubasa Ako, Chihiro Kanoh, Kimiaki Nakama, Tomonori Fujisawa, Tadasu Masuda and others
Stage design: Monai Aun, Mikio Tazoe
Manager: Kazushi Ota
Stage coordinator: Aiko Harima
Lighting: Asako Miura
Sound: Bunsho Nishikawa
Black cat : Kasumi Harada
Video: Bounce!Bounce! by Junya Suzuki
Tour Manager: Satoko Shibata
Management: DANCE BOX
Soutenu par la Japan Foundation
Avec le Kyoto Experiment Festival et la Fiac
Ayaka Nakama, née en 1992, est une danseuse installée à Kobe, au Japon. Elle a été formée à la Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance (Londres) avant de poursuivre ses études en tant que boursière à la dB Academy (Kobe) et de recevoir le Dancer Award.
Ayaka Nakama a travaillé avec Mika Kurosawa, Toshiki Okada (chelfitsch) et contact Gonzo entre autres. En 2018, elle est devenue une artiste associée de Dance Box.
5pm - 9pm
La programmation Spectacles Vivants bénéficie du soutien de
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Et de la Japan foundation
Avec la collaboration de Kunstenfestivaldesarts
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