Vimala Pons
Le Périmètre de Denver
10 - 12 Feb 2022

The event is over
A mysterious murder was committed in a Brighton spa hotel in May 2008: the victim was found in her room. In a system of successive interviews, we meet seven people from very different backgrounds who do not know each other, all of whom were present in the hotel on the day of the murder.
But we quickly realise that the crossed testimonies do not concur with each other and that the versions of the same story, of the same evening, build up and do not fit together. So who is telling the truth? Which point of view is the right one? Who's who? In the course of their statements, each person presents themselves, testifies. At the same time, as is often the case with statements, the different digressions inside their accounts lead us to consider their shared relationship with lies, and thus their link to the "Denver Perimeter".
The Denver Perimeter is a space we create when we lie. It is a mental zone, more specifically, it is a time loop that repeats as it adapts to new situations. It is the loop of altered reality and the loop of lies. We have all entered the perimeter one day or another in our lives. This circle always takes on a "mission" or fight dynamic between one's self and a central object that is present in the formulation of the "lie". An allegorical life-sized object that must be raised up, supported and destroyed. How can one deconstruct who one is without destroying everything?
In Partnership with Ircam
Design, creation, text and sound creation: Vimala Pons
Artistic collaboration: Tsirihaka Harrivel
Production management, distribution and artistic assistance: Adeline Ferrante
Company administration: Alice Couzelas
Production assistant: Pénélope De La Iglesia
General management: Benjamin Bertrand
Sound creation: Anaëlle Marsollier
Light and sound management: Alex Hardellet, Arnaud Pierrel
Dressers: Mélanie Leprince, Anaïs Parola
Costume creation: Marie La Rocca, Anne Tesson, Rémy Ledudal
Object construction: Charlotte Wallet, Olivier Boisson, Atelier de Nanterre-Amandiers, CDN
SFX collaboration, prosthesis production: Atelier 69 and Elise Lahouassa
Scenography collaboration: Marion Flament and Jimme Cloo (Bigtime Studio)
Electro and video systems design: Alex Hardellet, Charles Sadoul
Lighting system collaboration: Sylvain Verdet
Ircam computerised music collaboration: Robin Meier
Fireworks: Marc Chevillon
Artiste de cirque et actrice, Vimala Pons a pour première formation le sport et la guitare classique, elle débute ensuite des études universitaires d’histoire de l’art à Paris 4 puis d’histoire du cinéma à Paris 8 avant d’intégrer en classe libre, le Cours Florent puis une formation au Conservatoire national supérieur d’art dramatique de Paris (Cnsad) ainsi qu’un an au Centre national des arts du cirque (Cnac).
Depuis 2013, Vimala Pons évolue à travers le jeune cinéma indépendant et le cinéma d’auteur, jouant auprès des réalisateurs de la Nouvelle Vague et de la nouvelle génération tels que (A.Peretjatko, B.Mandico, S.Betbeder, T.Salvador C.Honoré, B.Jacquot, J.Rivette, A.Resnais, P. Garel, B.Podalydes, P. Verhoven, B.Kasmi, S. Demoustier, S.Mitré…) parmi tant d’autres.
Vimala écrit et conçoit depuis 2010 des spectacles performatifs de cirque avec son partenaire Tsirihaka Harrivel. En 2017, ils créent Grande — , un spectacle de cirque contemporain dont la tournée a duré trois ans et s’est achevée en mars 2019. En novembre 2020, Vimala a sorti Mémoires de l’homme fente, un livre audio de 52 minutes, une sorte de « court métrage sans image ».
8:30pm - 10pm
La programmation Spectacles Vivants bénéficie du soutien de
Grand mécène
Avec l'Ircam
En partenariat média avec
© Loup Gangloff