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Gilles Aillaud

Political animal

4 Oct 2023 - 26 Feb 2024

The event is over

« Ours noir, » 1982 © DR © ADAGP, Paris, 2023

When asked about his decision to paint almost nothing but animals, Gilles Aillaud replied “because I like them”. Contemporaneous with early Pop Art works, with their varying degrees of fascination with consumer products and mass communication, the paintings of Gilles Aillaud (who died in 2005) have nothing exotic about them.

« Ours noir, » 1982 © DR © ADAGP, Paris, 2023


4 Oct 2023 - 26 Feb 2024
11am - 9pm, every days except tuesdays

Booking strongly recommended


Gallery 3, level 1
