In France
À la folie
11 Jun 2021

The event is over
Financial markets spinning out of control, a language that goes astray in a delirious stream of consciousness, a saint who has lost her mind... A wind of madness sweeps through this concert by the Ensemble Intercontemporain. Raphaël Cendo hijacks the sacredness of the Passion to turn it into a "fast food" product, whose ingredients are uncontrollable stock market prices. x
Playing the analog synthesizer, Cendo borrows from the electronics of the 1970s, in an assertively vintage style. In D'estasi, Pasquale Corrado evokes the memory of Saint Cecilia, patron saint of musicians, as she was represented by Raphael in 1514. From ecstasy we slide into the schizophrenia of Raymond Roussel, with Olga Neuwirth's locus... doublure... solus, one of the most accomplished piano concertos. Sasha J. Blondeau, finally, refers to Foucault's concept of heterotopia, these places of isolation (asylum, amusement parks) and takes us through a sonic counter-space, with rethought borders.
Christina Daletska : mezzo-soprano
Dimitri Vassilakis : piano
Ensemble intercontemporain
Bastien Stil conductor
Augustin Muller : IRCAM computer-music design
Juline Darde Gervais : designer (haberdashery)
Raphaël Cendo, Double Cheese Passions – premiere 2021 commissioned by Françoise and Jean-Philippe Billarant
Sasha J. Blondeau, Contre-espace
Olga Neuwirth, locus... doublure... solus
Pasquale Corrado, D’estasi – French premiere
8pm - 9:30pm
Cité de la musique-Philharmonie de Paris, Paris
Le compositeur Raphaël Cendo
© Jean Radel