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Podcasts Exhibition visits

Guided audio tours through the current exhibitions.


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Suzanne Valadon

Join exhibition curators Nathalie Ernoult, Chiara Parisi and Xavier Rey as they explore the work of Suzanne Valadon.

Along the way, they explain the main themes of her works and comment on some of them.

Director: Delphine Coffin
Recording and mixing: Ivan Gariel
Musical accompaniment: Sixième son

Paris noir

Artistic circulations and anti-colonial resistance, 1950 – 2000

"Paris noir (Black Paris). Artistic circulations and anti-colonial resistance, 1950-2000" traces the presence and influence of Black artists in France, from the creation of the journal Présence Africaine to the Revue noire. It highlights 150 artists of African descent, from Africa to the Americas.

In this podcast, thirteen leading figures – artists, archivists, guides, art historians – speak up, along with Alicia Knock, curator of the exhibition. 
With: Kévi Donat, Sylvie Glissant, Franck Hermann Ekra, Eskil Lam, Jezabel Traube, Florence Alexis, Annouchka de Andrade, Kra N’Guessan, Frantz Absalon, Diagne Chanel, Elodie Barthélémy, Henry Roy, Ted Joans, Édouard Glissant

Production: Clara Gouraud and Florence Sayag-Morat
Guests: Alicia Knock, Kévi Donat, Sylvie Glissant, Franck Hermann Ekra, Eskil Lam, Jezabel Traube, Florence Alexis, Annouchka de Andrade, Kra N’Guessan, Frantz Absalon, Diagne Chanel, Elodie Barthélémy, Henry Roy
Archives: Édouard Glissant, extract from La créolisation du monde, film by Yves Billy and Mathieu Glissant; Ted Joans, Jazz is My Religion, performance at the Centre Pompidou, 1980
Voice over: Sonia Bonny, Walter Dickerson, Christine Hooper

Recording and mix: Antoine Dahan 
Sound design: Sixième son