Cycle 2
The theme

"Anticipate upcoming crises, but adapt to the unexpected. Make an instant decision, but ensure that today’s choices do not endanger the future. Reconcile instantaneous exchange and the concern for a sustainable world. Dare to accelerate, but know when to slow down...If these ultimatums were already an ongoing concern for businesses, the coronavirus epidemic has added a new level of intensity. In the space of a few months, it stopped the clocks, slowed down the economy, disorganised collective routines with lockdown and remote working, and raised the question of the speed at which recovery remains compatible with the climate emergency.
How can we reinvent our relationship to time, our way of perceiving, directing and acting on time? Implicating economic, social and environmental stakes, this issue may find a fertile echo in artistic practices. From the 19th century onwards, under the banner of "modern" art, poets, painters, dancers and video-makers took on the role of witnesses of the present and precursors of the future. They ventured ever further into rhythmic feats, toyed with the ephemeral or the work-in-progress, explored the powers of the present instant and the long term. It was by drawing inspiration from music, that art of time, that Kandinsky or Klee took painting to abstraction. These bold moves, which encourage us to venture on an alternative path, provide another form of enlightenment on the concerns of the present."
Mathieu Potte-Bonneville, Director of the Culture and Creation Department of the Centre Pompidou
Inaugural event
"Time change: Create, innovate and act on the present time"
25 September 2020
At a time when the compasses of our collective action seem to spin wildly, the Centre Pompidou Accélérations endowment fund and the Centre Pompidou invites artists, players from the business world and experts in societal issues to take the time to talk together... and talk about time. A prelude to the second cycle of the endowment fund which, following a first edition devoted to the powers of emotion, aims to bring artists and businesses together around this theme.
Exceptional interviews, round tables, performances, an introduction to the Centre Pompidou, videos and a concert will feature throughout the day, in addition to an exploration of the questions:
- Have we entered new times (or not)?
- Is it reasonable to make up for lost time at present?
- How can we reconcile agility and the calls to slow down?
- What pace should innovation players follow?
- How can we harmonise time for a habitable world?
Follow live online via our website
Go to this page Friday 25 September, starting 9.00am
Detailed programme
With Serge Lasvignes, President of the Centre Pompidou, and Matthias Leridon, Chairman of Tilder and President of the Centre Pompidou Accélérations endowment fund
New times
Interview with Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota, Director of the Théâtre de la Ville and the Festival d’Automne, and Cynthia Fleury, philosopher and psychoanalyst, Humanity & Health Chair at the CNAM
Slowdown #1
Presentation by Michel Gauthier, curator at the Musée national d’art moderne – Industrial Creation Centre and curator of the second cycle of the Centre Pompidou Accélérations endowment fund
Making up for lost time
Energy, technology, societies: recovery and contradictory ultimatums. Should we accelerate to make up for lost time, or slow down to anticipate the transformations to come? What can we learn from the past to manage the future?
Round table: Fabrice Hyber, artist, Dominique Mockly, CEO of Teréga and Anne Varet, scientific director of the Ademe
Accéléré [Accelerated]
Performance by Véronique Aubouy, film-maker & performer
How much time?
In a global world, how do we reconcile the instantaneous flow of data with the multiple rhythms of individuals and societies? How can the obligation to act "together, at once" manage this diversity of time, avoid runaway reactions, remedy de-phasing and find the right pace?
Round table: Rachel Khan, legal expert, actress and athletic champion, Co-director of La Place, and Katja Krüger, President of the Réseau Tempo regional network
Slowdown #2
Discussion with Bernard Blistène, Director of the Musée national d’art moderne – Industrial Creation Centre
Living our time
For a large part of the planet this spring, living at home became a difficult experience (the confined space of the home as a forced refuge) and raised a worldwide question: what is the future of cities, where the majority of humanity now lives? What does "living on our planet" mean, in terms of the present and the future?
Round table: Christophe Hutin, architect and commissioner of the French Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennial, and Abraham Poincheval, artist
Slowdown #3
Musical performance by the band Catastrophe
End of the event
By Julie Narbey, General Director of the Centre Pompidou
The morning will be led by Vincent Edin, freelance journalist.
Programme designed by the Culture & Creation Department of the Centre Pompidou, under the direction of Mathieu Potte-Bonneville.