Points of sale
The Forum bookshop

The richness of the Forum bookshop reflects the rich and varied activity and multi-discipline character of the Centre Pompidou. It is the largest bookshop for modern and contemporary art in Europe, with more than 15,000 titles, an exhaustive choice of 20th and 21st century French and international monographic, thematic, historical and critical works. The bookshop also gives pride of place to comics and books for young people, with a dedicated space, and offers a large selection of post cards, posters and stationery.
Reflecting current events in the publishing world and the programme of the Centre, the bookshop proposes a rich programme of encounters: authors, artists, exhibition curators and specialists on contemporary creation participate in readings, debates, workshops and signings.
Access: Level 0 – no admission ticket required
Opening hours: Every day from 11am to 10pm, except Tuesdays and 1 May
The exhibition bookshop
The exhibition bookshop is located at the exit from the two largest exhibition areas, presenting a selection of specialised works and spinoff products related to the exhibitions.
Access: Level 6 – admission ticket required
Opening hours: Every day from 11am to 9pm, except Tuesdays and 1 May
The Centre Pompidou Boutique

The Boutique is located in the Forum, offering an original selection of design objects in different ambiences: rough, stripped back concrete to showcase Centre Pompidou products, metal mesh for lighting, decoration and tableware, warm felt for jewel and textile creations and for the children's space.
At the cutting edge all the latest trends and reflecting the Centre's programme, the Boutique offers a wide choice of products, but also iconic items by contemporary designers and publishers, with beautiful gifts in every price range.
Access: Level 0 – no admission ticket required
Opening hours: Every day from 11am to 10pm, except Tuesdays and 1 May
Telephone: +33(0)1 44 78 15 78