Debate / Meeting
Mutsuro Sasaki
Talking about Architecture
28 Sep 2012

The event is over

An expert in shell structures and a pioneer of the morphogenesis of calculation in the field of architecture and civil engineering, Mutsuro Sasaki is a professor at Tokyo's Hosei University. He is also one of the founders of Sasaki Structural Consultants since 1980 and of SAPS / Sasaki and Partners since 2002. In extending the research work of Antoni Gaudi, Heinz Isler and Frei Otto, Sasaki's work has helped shape contemporary architecture in Japan and other countries. Mutsuro Sasaki is a long-standing colleague of Toyo Ito, Sejima and Nishizawa of SANAA, and of Arata Isozaki.

An expert in shell structures and a pioneer of the morphogenesis of calculation in the field of architecture and civil engineering, Mutsuro Sasaki is a professor at Tokyo's Hosei University. He is also one of the founders of Sasaki Structural Consultants since 1980 and of SAPS / Sasaki and Partners since 2002. In extending the research work of Antoni Gaudi, Heinz Isler and Frei Otto, Sasaki's work has helped shape contemporary architecture in Japan and other countries. Mutsuro Sasaki is a long-standing colleague of Toyo Ito, Sejima and Nishizawa of SANAA, and of Arata Isozaki.
From 7pm
En coproduction avec le symposium Advances in Architectural Geometry 2012.
Conférence organisée avec le soutien de Autodesk