Forced Entertainment
Signal to Noise
27 - 30 Nov 2024

The event is over
Signal to Noise uses artificial intelligence (AI) to sketch out a strange world, blurring the boundaries between human and non-human, between reality and simulacrum. This creation, light-hearted yet charged with meaning, marks the company's fortieth anniversary.
Signal to Noise is a show about collapsing optimism, combining a mass of fragments in a late-night party atmosphere: dances, repetition, altercations, set changes and even unexpected weather reports. The texts are spoken by AI-generated voices, to which the six performers on stage lend their bodies, giving life to these disembodied speakers. Everything rings true, more or less human, more or less real. A strange and fascinating world unfolds before the audience, blurring the boundaries between what is real and what is only a simulacrum.
Forced Entertainment celebrates its fortieth anniversary with this light-hearted yet disconcerting creation, simultaneously humorous and deadly serious. The legendary British company directed by Tim Etchells retains its trademark energy and inventiveness, and still manages to reveal the alchemy of live performance.
Show in English with French surtitles
Design and production: Forced Entertainment
Staging, text, music and sound: Tim Etchells
Created and performed by: Robin Arthur, Seke Chimutengwende, Richard Lowdon, Claire Marshall, Cathy Naden and Terry O'Connor
Dramaturgy: Tyrone Huggins
Lighting: Nigel Edwards
Design: Richard Lowdon
Production management: Jim Harrison
Tour technical director: Alex Fernandes
Production: Forced Entertainment
Coproduction: Athens Epidaurus Festival, Centre Pompidou, Festival d'Automne (Paris), HAU Hebbel Am Ufer (Berlin), Holland Festival (Amsterdam), Kunstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), PACT Zollverein (Essen), Théâtre Garonne - Scène européenne (Toulouse)
With the support of: British Council
From 8pm
On 28 November, access to the show will be on rue Beaubourg, opposite rue Simon le Franc.
Dans le cadre du
Soutenu par le British Council dans le cadre du programme Royaume-Uni/France Spotlight sur la Culture 2024 Imaginons Ensemble.
Forced Entertainment, Signal to Noise
© Hugo Glendinning